Anthony Davis (1949-2009) Chapter I

Early Years

Anthony Herbert Davis was born in Barbados in 1949. I think he was born in a house with Lodge in the name just north of Bridgetown. Our family was Anglican, so infant baptism was mandated. Here is a photo of Anthony’s Christening.

1949 Barbados: Malcolm, Kathleen, Marjorie with baby Anthony, Amy, Herbert, Laurence, Wendy Farmer and unknown gentleman
Kathleen holding Anthony and Malcolm



I have no idea where the following three photos were taken.

Ian and Anthony


Herbert, Marjorie, Ian and Anthony


Barbados: Marjorie and Anthony


I believe this was taken at Constant, Belleville, St. Michael, Barbados. I recall a barber visiting us. He was a Cheeseman, and he was known as Dummy because he was unable to speak.

Anthony, Herbert, Ian and barber


This is probably Constant, Belleville again. Anthony appears to be feeding Ian.

Ian and Anthony


Here is Anthony holding baby Ronnie.

Ian and Anthony holding Ronnie


Marjorie Davis (1927-2010) Chapter VI

Later Years

Herbert died in 1996 and it became easier for his wife Marjorie to travel.

When I (Ian) was exploring Wales, I came across the Ty Cook Farm. It was also a Bed and Breakfast. This old house reminded me of the “Plantation Great Houses” in Barbados. I enjoyed my visit so much that I returned with my family in 1998.

1998 Ty Cook, Wales: Marjorie, Laura, Kathy, Ian, Michelle, Joanna and Peter


Mummy loved to go on vacations with us. We were headed down to Merlin’s Cave in Cornwall, England when she asked us to take a photo in front of this sign!

1998 Near Merlin’s Cave, North Cornwall, England: Marjorie and Peter


In 2002, Marjorie attended the wedding of Summer her eldest granddaughter. This photo was taken at Bakers Plantation which was owned by Summer’s maternal grandparents.

2002 Bakers Plantation: Sharon, Anthony, Marjorie, Summer and George


Here we are on the beach of Craigwell. Spion Kop would be on the right. Craigwell and Spion Kop were owned by Kingsland Estates Ltd. Kathy used to live at Spion Kop.

2002, Craigwell, Barbados: Marjorie watches Kathy and four children swimming

In 2003, Marjorie went with Ian’s family to Yosemite National Park in California. I am looking for those photos.

These were taken on 5th June 2005. Marjorie held a party for her family at the Crane Hotel.

2005 Crane Hotel: Kathy, Joanna, Laura, Peter, Anthony, Marjorie, Madge, Michelle, Sharon and her daughter


2005 Crane Hotel, Barbados: Ronnie, Anthony, Marjorie and Ian with Crane Beach in the background


This is Marjorie’s apartment in Barbados. The mahogany furniture is the same that I grew up with!

14th June 2005, Barbados: Marjorie with her tanned grandchildren – Peter, Joanna, Laura and Michelle

In late May of 2009, Marjorie flew from Texas to Miami.


Marjorie’s granddaughter married Ben in 2009.

May 2009 Waco, Texas: Madge and Marjorie watch Ben and Michelle cut the wedding cake


Mummy was always game to try new things. Below we are eating at Rudy’s where there are no plates – the food is served on a sheet of grease proofed paper!

May 2009 Rudy’s, Waco, Texas: Ron, Marjorie and Madge

After flying from Barbados to Texas, Marjorie went to Miami, Florida. This was taken at Ian and Kathy’s home in Kendall, Miami. Christine Baldini was visiting and here she is showing Marjorie some photos on her camera.


Marjorie then flew with Ian to London, England to celebrate the eightieth birthday of her brother George. The party was on the 6th of June, 2009.

Marjorie also visited her family in England.

June 2009, England: Marjorie with her grand nieces, Penny’s childre

Marjorie Davis (1927-2010) Chapter V

St. Vincent

When they first moved to St. Vincent, Herbert and Marjorie rented a home on a beach facing Young Island. We boys enjoyed swimming, rowing and fishing. On weekends, Dad would take us sailing.

One remarkable story is that when Prince Charles, son of Queen Elizabeth II, visited St. Vincent he spent some time at this house. My mother prepared the house for his visit and then stayed away until he left. She said she painted the word Britannia on our dingy, the tender for our sailboat. She said Prince Philip actually went rowing in it.

The next home was also rented. “Tally Ho” was a little further from the beach, but it was still only a short walk away. Ken and Phyllis Punnett had a beautiful home nearby, but I do not know where this was taken.

St. Vincent: Marjorie, Ronnie and Phyllis Punnett


The last home in St. Vincent was “Ho Bohemia.” This was built by Herbert. It had a commanding view, including the sea and neighbouring islands.

Ho Bohemia, above Calliaqua, St. Vincent


Herbert used to have his hair cut by an itinerate barber, but here is something unexpected.

Ho Bohemia: Marjorie cutting Herbert’s hair

Marjorie was very active in the Mothers’ Union. This group may be affiliated:

St. Vincent: Marjorie and another lady


This  is a family reunion. Anthony and family are visiting from England, Ian’s and Ronnie’s families from Barbados. Laurence was living with my parents after Amy passed.

Ho Bohemia: Dominic, Ian, Herbert, Sarah, Marjorie, Ronnie, Anthony, Kathy, Daniel, Laurence and Sandra


Grannie Marjorie enjoys her first two grandchildren.

Ho Bohemia: Marjorie, Daniel and Dominic

Marjorie did not enjoy sailing because of the intense sun. She did enjoy being outdoors though.


Marjorie probably on Herbert’s boat, Cecily M.



Next: Later years

Marjorie Davis (1927-2010) Chapter V

St. Vincent

When they first moved to St. Vincent, Herbert and Marjorie rented a home on a beach facing Young Island. We boys enjoyed swimming, rowing and fishing. On weekends, Dad would take us sailing.

One remarkable story is that when Prince Charles, son of Queen Elizabeth II, visited St. Vincent he spent some time at this house. My mother prepared the house for his visit and then stayed away until he left. She said she painted the word Britannia on our dingy, the tender for our sailboat. She said Prince Philip actually went rowing in it.

The next home was also rented. “Tally Ho” was a little further from the beach, but it was still only a short walk away. Ken and Phyllis Punnett had a beautiful home nearby, but I do not know where this was taken.

St. Vincent: Marjorie, Ronnie and Phyllis Punnett


The last home in St. Vincent was “Ho Bohemia.” This was built by Herbert. It had a commanding view, including the sea and neighbouring islands.

Ho Bohemia, above Calliaqua, St. Vincent


Herbert used to have his hair cut by an itinerate barber, but here is something unexpected.

Ho Bohemia: Marjorie cutting Herbert’s hair

Marjorie was very active in the Mothers’ Union. This group may be affiliated:

St. Vincent: Marjorie and another lady


This  is a family reunion. Anthony and family are visiting from England, Ian’s and Ronnie’s families from Barbados. Laurence was living with my parents after Amy passed.

Ho Bohemia: Dominic, Ian, Herbert, Sarah, Marjorie, Ronnie, Anthony, Kathy, Daniel, Laurence and Sandra


Grannie Marjorie enjoys her first two grandchildren.

Ho Bohemia: Marjorie, Daniel and Dominic

Marjorie did not enjoy sailing because of the intense sun. She did enjoy being outdoors though.


Marjorie probably on Herbert’s boat, Cecily M.



Next: Later years

Marjorie Davis (1927-2010) Chapter IV

Marjorie’s Family Years in Barbados

My recollections of my parents start in Belleville, where we lived on the 10th avenue. We first lived at “Constant”, a two story wooden home. Then we moved to “Bohemia”, which was close to George Street. Below Marjorie and Herbert in the backyard of Bohemia. The concrete wall runs along 10th Avenue. Behind the wall are towering palms. We called them Cabbage Palms, but their scientific name is Roystonea oleracea. They bore a “broom” which was used by our maid.

Bohemia, Belleville: Marjorie and Herbert


Marjorie with Anthony



We were close to Bridgetown, and I recall my father coming home for lunch!

Bohemia, Belleville, St. Michael, Barbados: Marjorie and Herbert with Anthony and Ronnie. Our Julie mango tree is in the background.

Here is an extended family photo taken in Barbados.

Malcolm, can’t recognize the next two, Kathleen, Teddy Jones, Marjorie


Laurence’s sisters were Helen Farmer, Katy  Jones and May Marshall. Teddy and Katy’s daughter Audrey was married to Louis Seale.

Marjorie, two I don’t recognise, Dorothy May, Laurence, Helen, Katy and son Harold Jones, Mona Watson?, May Marshall with sons John Anthony and David, Maureen, and in the foreground Louis Seale.


This is a nice photo of my mother, but I don’t know the story behind it.

Marjorie Davis

As a condition of his employment at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Herbert had to take a “long leave” every few years. The only stipulation that he was to head north to Canada or the US. My parents used to say with Dad’s uncle Leo in Brooklyn, New York. Leo’s wife Ida is on the left below.

New York, USA: Ida Davis, Ian, Marjorie, Herbert and Anthony

Here is another unknown photo.

Marjorie with infant

I am going to take a wild guess and say that the photo below was taken at Plymouth, Crane, St. Philip.

Barbados: Marjorie, Ronnie and Ian

The photo below was probably taken on the south coast of Barbados. Marjorie is with her nieces, George’s girls.


Herbert was transferred to the nearby island of St. Vincent. Herbert had a sailboat, “Aurora.” I believe this group is seeing him off.

Careenage, Bridgetown: Ronnie, Christine, Marjorie and Herve inspecting the water

Below is a family reunion at Windermere, St. John, Barbados. Herbert, Marjorie and Ronnie would be visiting from St. Vincent.

Windermere: Back row: Pat, Sarah, Ronnie, Kathleen, Herbert, Marjorie, Laurence, George Front row: Anthony, Ann, Penny, Amy and Alison

Next: St. Vincent



Marjorie Davis (1927-2010) Chapter I

Marjorie Daphne Farmer was born in 1927 to Lawrence and Amy Farmer. She married Herbert Davis in 1948. Herbert and Marjorie had three sons: Anthony, Ian and Ronnie.

Herbert, Ian, Marjorie, Ron and Anthony



Marjorie Farmer (Davis)- Early Years

I have very few early photographs of my mother, but here they are:


Marjorie and George

Marjorie was born in 1927 at Walkes Spring, St. Thomas, Barbados and George was born at River, St. Philip, Barbados. Can anyone identify the location of this photograph?


The East Coast of Barbados is the windward side of the island. A good strong Atlantic breeze is normal, making this location the favourite vacation spot for the planters.

Bathsheba, East Coast of Barbados: Marjorie and George




Back of photo above

Below is a photo of Florence May (Taylor) Farmer with grandchildren Marjorie and George. Florence was born 1875 in St. Philip. She was the daughter of John Robert Taylor and Sarah Rebecca Cuke. Florence married Joseph Alleyne Farmer. Their son was Marjorie’s father, George Laurence Farmer, born 1892.


Marjorie, Florence May Farmer and George

Marjorie and George’s father, Laurence (Longfellow) Farmer bought Walkers Plantation in St. Andrew. It was geographically the largest plantation in Barbados, but the soil was poor and subject to erosion. Marjorie would have been about eight years old.

Walkers Plantation, St. Andrew, Barbados

I am sharing these photographs with my family, and I would be grateful if others would do the same.

Later I will be writing a memorial to my grandparents, so there will be more old photos.

Next: Marjorie at High School

Ronnie Davis (1957-2012) VIII

Missed Photos

There are some photos that I did not use, and I plan to display them here.

DSCN0271Early Morning, 8th June, 2005, East Coast of Barbados: Preparing to go for a hike. Ronnie is on the right.

In the photograph above, Ron had organized a trip to the east coast of Barbados. It was one of the rare occasions when the three brothers were together. Anthony is in the blue shirt on the left.

We three brothers were not together often because Anthony was in England, and I was in Florida. I believe the photo below was taken at my parents house in Chancery Lane, Christ Church, Barbados.

Ronnie, Ian, Anthony and Herbert


I’ll add more later.

Click below to go to the beginning of this memorial.

Ronnie Davis (1957-2012) Chapter I

Ronnie Davis (1957-2012) VII

Ron in Florida and Texas

Ron used to fly to Miami every now and then.

Ron is probably paddling my homemade yellow Folbot, as he is holding one of the paddles I made for that kayak

Ron and I were touring the Deering Estate in Miami when I took this:

Deering Estate, Miami, Florida

When my daughter Michelle was married in Texas, we rented Judge Baylor House to accommodate visiting guests. We were delighted Ron could make it.

Judge Baylor House, Waco, Texas: Ron

We ate at Rudy’s “Country Store” and Bar-B-Q. The food is good, but the service is Spartan! Ron looks a little thoughtful, but he has done justice to his ribs!

Rudy’s, Waco, Texas:     Ron, Marjorie and Madge after a meal served on grease-proofed paper!



Ronnie Davis (1957-2012) Chapter VI

A Mountain Trip to be Remembered

The Smoky Mountains are one of my favourite places, so I invited Ron to come on a trip. We stayed in this cabin.

Tumbling Waters Campground, Almond, North Carolina, USA: Peter and Ron

This cabin had running water and a bathroom, so it was comfortable.014_11.JPG

This place had a family atmosphere.

Tumbling Waters Facilities

In Summer the air is cool and there are many road side stops to explore and enjoy the mountain views.

Smoky Mountains: Peter with Uncle Ron

We hiked many waterfalls, but this one was unusual. You could stand under it and not get wet.

Bridal Veil Falls, North Carolina: Ron and Peter

Fontana Dam has many rental homes and facilities. We rented bikes.

Fontana Dam, North Carolina: Ron rides uphill

I will always cherish this memory of hiking the waterfalls and mountains of Western North Carolina with my younger brother.

Ronnie Davis (1957-2012) Chapter V

The Grenadines

The Grenadines are a chain of islands stretching from the southern coast of St. Vincent to the north of Grenada. Despite their name, most of the Grenadines belong to St. Vincent.

One day Ron chartered a yacht and invited me to retrace the early sailing voyages that we had enjoyed with our parents. There were not as many fish, but the beaches were just as white and the water was clear.

Tobago Keys, Grenadines, St. Vincent


Ronnie and Sandra eating lunch

Grenadines, St. Vincent: Ron and Ian

This photo is probably from a later trip to the same location.ron_grendines.jpgRon gave me the chance to relive one of our favourite activities as teenagers – exploring uninhabited islands. I also have video of this trip that I may share.

Next: Ron in North Carolina, USA