Marjorie Davis (1927-2010) Chapter V

St. Vincent

When they first moved to St. Vincent, Herbert and Marjorie rented a home on a beach facing Young Island. We boys enjoyed swimming, rowing and fishing. On weekends, Dad would take us sailing.

One remarkable story is that when Prince Charles, son of Queen Elizabeth II, visited St. Vincent he spent some time at this house. My mother prepared the house for his visit and then stayed away until he left. She said she painted the word Britannia on our dingy, the tender for our sailboat. She said Prince Philip actually went rowing in it.

The next home was also rented. “Tally Ho” was a little further from the beach, but it was still only a short walk away. Ken and Phyllis Punnett had a beautiful home nearby, but I do not know where this was taken.

St. Vincent: Marjorie, Ronnie and Phyllis Punnett


The last home in St. Vincent was “Ho Bohemia.” This was built by Herbert. It had a commanding view, including the sea and neighbouring islands.

Ho Bohemia, above Calliaqua, St. Vincent


Herbert used to have his hair cut by an itinerate barber, but here is something unexpected.

Ho Bohemia: Marjorie cutting Herbert’s hair

Marjorie was very active in the Mothers’ Union. This group may be affiliated:

St. Vincent: Marjorie and another lady


This  is a family reunion. Anthony and family are visiting from England, Ian’s and Ronnie’s families from Barbados. Laurence was living with my parents after Amy passed.

Ho Bohemia: Dominic, Ian, Herbert, Sarah, Marjorie, Ronnie, Anthony, Kathy, Daniel, Laurence and Sandra


Grannie Marjorie enjoys her first two grandchildren.

Ho Bohemia: Marjorie, Daniel and Dominic

Marjorie did not enjoy sailing because of the intense sun. She did enjoy being outdoors though.


Marjorie probably on Herbert’s boat, Cecily M.



Next: Later years

Marjorie Davis (1927-2010) Chapter IV

Marjorie’s Family Years in Barbados

My recollections of my parents start in Belleville, where we lived on the 10th avenue. We first lived at “Constant”, a two story wooden home. Then we moved to “Bohemia”, which was close to George Street. Below Marjorie and Herbert in the backyard of Bohemia. The concrete wall runs along 10th Avenue. Behind the wall are towering palms. We called them Cabbage Palms, but their scientific name is Roystonea oleracea. They bore a “broom” which was used by our maid.

Bohemia, Belleville: Marjorie and Herbert


Marjorie with Anthony



We were close to Bridgetown, and I recall my father coming home for lunch!

Bohemia, Belleville, St. Michael, Barbados: Marjorie and Herbert with Anthony and Ronnie. Our Julie mango tree is in the background.

Here is an extended family photo taken in Barbados.

Malcolm, can’t recognize the next two, Kathleen, Teddy Jones, Marjorie


Laurence’s sisters were Helen Farmer, Katy  Jones and May Marshall. Teddy and Katy’s daughter Audrey was married to Louis Seale.

Marjorie, two I don’t recognise, Dorothy May, Laurence, Helen, Katy and son Harold Jones, Mona Watson?, May Marshall with sons John Anthony and David, Maureen, and in the foreground Louis Seale.


This is a nice photo of my mother, but I don’t know the story behind it.

Marjorie Davis

As a condition of his employment at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Herbert had to take a “long leave” every few years. The only stipulation that he was to head north to Canada or the US. My parents used to say with Dad’s uncle Leo in Brooklyn, New York. Leo’s wife Ida is on the left below.

New York, USA: Ida Davis, Ian, Marjorie, Herbert and Anthony

Here is another unknown photo.

Marjorie with infant

I am going to take a wild guess and say that the photo below was taken at Plymouth, Crane, St. Philip.

Barbados: Marjorie, Ronnie and Ian

The photo below was probably taken on the south coast of Barbados. Marjorie is with her nieces, George’s girls.


Herbert was transferred to the nearby island of St. Vincent. Herbert had a sailboat, “Aurora.” I believe this group is seeing him off.

Careenage, Bridgetown: Ronnie, Christine, Marjorie and Herve inspecting the water

Below is a family reunion at Windermere, St. John, Barbados. Herbert, Marjorie and Ronnie would be visiting from St. Vincent.

Windermere: Back row: Pat, Sarah, Ronnie, Kathleen, Herbert, Marjorie, Laurence, George Front row: Anthony, Ann, Penny, Amy and Alison

Next: St. Vincent



Marjorie Davis (1927-2010) Chapter III

Marjorie and Herbert

Herbert enjoyed his childhood in St. Andrew. He grew up at Haggats Plantation, a 500 acre sugar cane farm managed by his father, Malcolm. Haggats bordered Walkers Plantation, owned by Marjorie’s father.

This appears to be a picnic to Lakes, St. Andrew. Sugar cane planters wore pith helmets, which they called “cork hats.” Despite their rigidity, these hats were light and gave good protection from the tropical sun. Herbert is wearing his cork hat.

Lakes, St. Andrew, Barbados. Bottom left:  Herbert and Marjorie
Engagement Photo of Herbert And Marjorie


Herbert and Marjorie married in 1948. Marjorie would have been about 21, and Herbert about 25 years old.

Wedding  1948.  Standing: Wendy Farmer, Harold Davis, unknown, Hilton Ward?              Sitting: Herbert and Marjorie

Below is another wedding photograph.

Wendy Farmer, Herbert, Marjorie, Harold and unknown lady

I loved the old country homes. I don’t know where this is.

Wedding reception, 1948: Malcolm, Kathleen, Laurence, Herbert, Marjorie, Amy and maid in uniform.

In those days, maids always wore uniforms.


Anthony was born in 1949, followed by Ian in 1951.

Herbert, Marjorie, Ian and Anthony
Circa 1953, Marjorie with the author, Ian

Seawell Airport (later renamed Grantley Adams International Airport) was an important connection to the world outside of Barbados. Marjorie is on the left below.

Circa 1955, Seawell Airport, Barbados. Squatting: Clarence Rogers, Ian Davis, William Toppin, Anthony Davis, can’t recognize last four. In the next row up, I think I recognize Gerald and Cecelia Seale. I think I see some Bethels too!

If you can identify anyone in the photo above, I would be grateful if you would contact me.

Next: Family years in Barbados



Marjorie Davis (1927-2010) Chapter I

Marjorie Daphne Farmer was born in 1927 to Lawrence and Amy Farmer. She married Herbert Davis in 1948. Herbert and Marjorie had three sons: Anthony, Ian and Ronnie.

Herbert, Ian, Marjorie, Ron and Anthony



Marjorie Farmer (Davis)- Early Years

I have very few early photographs of my mother, but here they are:


Marjorie and George

Marjorie was born in 1927 at Walkes Spring, St. Thomas, Barbados and George was born at River, St. Philip, Barbados. Can anyone identify the location of this photograph?


The East Coast of Barbados is the windward side of the island. A good strong Atlantic breeze is normal, making this location the favourite vacation spot for the planters.

Bathsheba, East Coast of Barbados: Marjorie and George




Back of photo above

Below is a photo of Florence May (Taylor) Farmer with grandchildren Marjorie and George. Florence was born 1875 in St. Philip. She was the daughter of John Robert Taylor and Sarah Rebecca Cuke. Florence married Joseph Alleyne Farmer. Their son was Marjorie’s father, George Laurence Farmer, born 1892.


Marjorie, Florence May Farmer and George

Marjorie and George’s father, Laurence (Longfellow) Farmer bought Walkers Plantation in St. Andrew. It was geographically the largest plantation in Barbados, but the soil was poor and subject to erosion. Marjorie would have been about eight years old.

Walkers Plantation, St. Andrew, Barbados

I am sharing these photographs with my family, and I would be grateful if others would do the same.

Later I will be writing a memorial to my grandparents, so there will be more old photos.

Next: Marjorie at High School

Ronnie Davis (1957-2012) VIII

Missed Photos

There are some photos that I did not use, and I plan to display them here.

DSCN0271Early Morning, 8th June, 2005, East Coast of Barbados: Preparing to go for a hike. Ronnie is on the right.

In the photograph above, Ron had organized a trip to the east coast of Barbados. It was one of the rare occasions when the three brothers were together. Anthony is in the blue shirt on the left.

We three brothers were not together often because Anthony was in England, and I was in Florida. I believe the photo below was taken at my parents house in Chancery Lane, Christ Church, Barbados.

Ronnie, Ian, Anthony and Herbert


I’ll add more later.

Click below to go to the beginning of this memorial.

Ronnie Davis (1957-2012) Chapter I

Ronnie Davis (1957-2012) Chapter IV

Three Different Times in Ronnie’s Life

Ian lived at Windermere. Ronnie and Uncle George appear to be visiting.

Circa 1963, Windermere, Barbados: Foreground – Alison, Ann and Penny. Background – Ian, Amy, Laurence, George, Ronnie

Years pass and in 1976 Ronnie marries the love of his life, Sandra. In 1978, Summer was born.

1978, Ho Bohemia, St. Vincent: Foreground – Dominic, Sarah, Anthony holding Daniel and Sandra.   Background – Ian, Herbert, Marjorie, Ronnie, Kathy and Laurence


Years pass, and Ronnie is at Summer’s wedding.

2002, Baker’s Plantation, St.Peter: Sandra is laying down the law to Ronnie, Pat, Summer and Neville.

The reception:

Barbados: Jack Ramsey and Ron


Next: Ron in the Grenadines, St. Vincent

Ronnie Davis (1957-2012) III

Ronnie in St. Vincent

Ronnie went to St. Vincent with our parents when he was about eight.

Careenage, Bridgetown, Barbados: Ronnie, Christine, possibly Ian, Marjorie, Jeannine and Herve Baldini

The photo above is probably related to the 100+ mile trip that Herbert made with Jacques Baldini from Barbados to St. Vincent on Herbert’s 27 foot sailboat Aurora. That trip will be covered later under Herbert’s memorial. Marjorie and Ronnie went by plane!

Another photo was taken on the same day, so I stuck it here. I cannot place the exact location below, but I guess it could be Belleville, St. Michael, Barbados.

Barbados: Front: Christine, Ronnie, Herve – Rear: Malcolm, Marjorie (obscuring Laurence), Helen and Amy

In St. Vincent, our parents lived in “Tally Ho”, Villa.

Tally Ho, St. Vincent: Herbert, Ian, Marjorie, Ronnie and Anthony


Herbert once planted 600 pineapple plants on a neighbouring house lot. The volcanic soil produced the sweetest pineapples we had ever tasted.

St. Vincent, Tally Ho: Ronnie in the pineapple patch


This appears to be a costume party near Tally Ho, but I cannot identify anyone.


Our family were  close to their good friends Phyllis and Ken Punnett. Phyllis and Ken lived in a beautiful home. They were very kind and hospitable.

St. Vincent: Marjorie, Ronnie and Phyllis


Later Herbert built a house near the town of Calliaqua. Below Ronnie enjoys the view from his front yard.

St. Vincent, “Ho Bohemia”: On the horizon Battowia and Baliceaux. Young Island is on the right.

My parents lived many years here.

Ho Bohemia, St. Vincent: Marjorie, Herbert, Sandra (with Summer), Laurence, Ronnie, Sarah. Dominic is in the foreground.


Both homes were a short walk from the beach, and we could row or swim to Young Island. We enjoyed fishing and boating.

St. Vincent: An older Ronnie and Herbert lifting a “pram.” This was either tied to the sailboat’s permanent mooring or stored on the bow when we were sailing.


Herbert redesigned and rebuilt the “Cecily M.”, a thirty eight foot gaff rigged sloop. We loved to sail down the Grenadines!

Kingstown, St. Vincent: Cecily M. being launched by manpower!

All was not good for Ronnie. Because he was not perceived as a local he was attacked every day at school. He was fortunate that he grew early and was bigger than his assailants. He could successfully defend himself, but Marjorie had to do a lot of mending and laundry.


Ronnie Davis (1957-2012) Chapter II

Barbados Early Years

We have very few photos of our great-uncle Fitz Davis, but here is a humourous shot. Fitz, a former professional boxer,  was asked to strike a muscular pose. He responded with this:

Ronnie, Fitz and Ian at Cattlewash, St. Andrew

I believe this photograph was taken at either Bushy Park or Ashford Plantation, where my grandfather, Malcolm Davis, was the manager.

Ian, Anthony and Ronnie

Every Saturday afternoon, our parents would take us to Hannays Plantation in Christ Church. The adults would play tennis in their whites, and would then enjoy cocktails and conversation. The young children would play in the yard.

Ronnie, Robert Ward and Peter Beale in front of Hannays’ old sugar mill tower

Every year, our maternal grandfather, Laurence (Longfellow) Farmer, would rent a beach house at the Crane. “Plymouth” was on a cliff, next to a ravine. On the seaward side of the ravine was another cliff. There were steps down to the ravine and then steps up to the cliff that overlooked the rough sea. We boys loved to climb up and look at the sea.

Anthony, Ronnie and Ian at Plymouth, Crane, St. Philip, Barbados

There were many good beaches within walking distance.

Ian and Ronnie at the Crane Beach

We loved to swim and body surf in the rough water.

Ronnie showing he can handle the Crane surf!

We saw our cousins often.

Ronnie with cousins Cherie and Debby by Plymouth’s driveway

This Christmas scene was probably Plymouth. The trees were imported from thousands of miles away and were not in the best condition when they arrived.

Marjorie, Ronnie and Ian

I don’t know the story around the next shot, but it looks like Ronnie at Windermere.

Windermere, St. John: Ronnie

Windermere, St. John: Ian, Ronnie and Anthony


When Ronnie was still very young, our parents took him to the neighbouring island of St. Vincent. Anthony and Ian remained in Barbados because the Vincentian schools were not acceptable. My next post will be about Ronnie in St. Vincent.