Marjorie Davis (1927-2010) Chapter VI

Later Years

Herbert died in 1996 and it became easier for his wife Marjorie to travel.

When I (Ian) was exploring Wales, I came across the Ty Cook Farm. It was also a Bed and Breakfast. This old house reminded me of the “Plantation Great Houses” in Barbados. I enjoyed my visit so much that I returned with my family in 1998.

1998 Ty Cook, Wales: Marjorie, Laura, Kathy, Ian, Michelle, Joanna and Peter


Mummy loved to go on vacations with us. We were headed down to Merlin’s Cave in Cornwall, England when she asked us to take a photo in front of this sign!

1998 Near Merlin’s Cave, North Cornwall, England: Marjorie and Peter


In 2002, Marjorie attended the wedding of Summer her eldest granddaughter. This photo was taken at Bakers Plantation which was owned by Summer’s maternal grandparents.

2002 Bakers Plantation: Sharon, Anthony, Marjorie, Summer and George


Here we are on the beach of Craigwell. Spion Kop would be on the right. Craigwell and Spion Kop were owned by Kingsland Estates Ltd. Kathy used to live at Spion Kop.

2002, Craigwell, Barbados: Marjorie watches Kathy and four children swimming

In 2003, Marjorie went with Ian’s family to Yosemite National Park in California. I am looking for those photos.

These were taken on 5th June 2005. Marjorie held a party for her family at the Crane Hotel.

2005 Crane Hotel: Kathy, Joanna, Laura, Peter, Anthony, Marjorie, Madge, Michelle, Sharon and her daughter


2005 Crane Hotel, Barbados: Ronnie, Anthony, Marjorie and Ian with Crane Beach in the background


This is Marjorie’s apartment in Barbados. The mahogany furniture is the same that I grew up with!

14th June 2005, Barbados: Marjorie with her tanned grandchildren – Peter, Joanna, Laura and Michelle

In late May of 2009, Marjorie flew from Texas to Miami.


Marjorie’s granddaughter married Ben in 2009.

May 2009 Waco, Texas: Madge and Marjorie watch Ben and Michelle cut the wedding cake


Mummy was always game to try new things. Below we are eating at Rudy’s where there are no plates – the food is served on a sheet of grease proofed paper!

May 2009 Rudy’s, Waco, Texas: Ron, Marjorie and Madge

After flying from Barbados to Texas, Marjorie went to Miami, Florida. This was taken at Ian and Kathy’s home in Kendall, Miami. Christine Baldini was visiting and here she is showing Marjorie some photos on her camera.


Marjorie then flew with Ian to London, England to celebrate the eightieth birthday of her brother George. The party was on the 6th of June, 2009.

Marjorie also visited her family in England.

June 2009, England: Marjorie with her grand nieces, Penny’s childre