Ronnie Davis (1957-2012) VIII

Missed Photos

There are some photos that I did not use, and I plan to display them here.

DSCN0271Early Morning, 8th June, 2005, East Coast of Barbados: Preparing to go for a hike. Ronnie is on the right.

In the photograph above, Ron had organized a trip to the east coast of Barbados. It was one of the rare occasions when the three brothers were together. Anthony is in the blue shirt on the left.

We three brothers were not together often because Anthony was in England, and I was in Florida. I believe the photo below was taken at my parents house in Chancery Lane, Christ Church, Barbados.

Ronnie, Ian, Anthony and Herbert


I’ll add more later.

Click below to go to the beginning of this memorial.

Ronnie Davis (1957-2012) Chapter I